my granddaughters

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Granddaughters Gracie and Lillie at Christmas

Saturday, April 16, 2011

NAEYC Code of Ethics
Section IV
Ethical Responsibilities to Community and Society

I-4.4—To work through education, research, and advocacy toward a society in which all young children have access to high-quality early care and education programs.
I-4.5—To work to ensure that appropriate assessment systems, which include multiple sources of information, are used for purposes that benefit children.
I-4.8—To further the professional development of the field of early childhood care and education and to strengthen its commitment to realizing its core values as reflected in this Code

It is my passion to make sure each child has a high quality experience, within that experience we need to make sure programs have a balance that includes the use of assessment tools.  These tools need to be used as intended by the research that makes them reliable. The use of assessment systems need to be used by administration for the benefit of children, these tools can enhance the learning experience for children when a teacher uses the tool appropriately. As a teacher it is my responsibility to continue to learn and apply new research and information that will offer better educational opportunities to children, parents and community partners as we continue to strengthen our community starting with our youngest learners.


  1. I wish you continued success of your journey of learning. I applaud you on your comment to professional development and using new knowledge in your work with children. What are your opinions on the use of child assessments to determine the success of a school as compared to using it to better serve children in the classroom? My concern is using tools to measure benchmarks for state and federal mandates instead of evaluating and adjusting curriculum and services within the program.

  2. Hi Chris. Throughout your years of teaching what changes have you seen in the assement tools? I believe you have one of the toughest jobs right now due to budget cuts, the many changes within families, and the resulting stress that children must carry now.
