my granddaughters

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Granddaughters Gracie and Lillie at Christmas

Friday, December 23, 2011

Learning about the international early childhood field

I think the biggest thing I learned that covers a multitude of learning consequences is  what each country or group of people need in terms of education.  What we consider important for our children to learn is very different than what another country needs their children to learn.  In some areas they  are working toward policies that will offer children and education through the primary grades. In other countries it is teaching sanitation for survival and increase the mortality rate for children birth -5 years old.  In other countries it is defining what a quality education is for all.  One thing we all have in common is the passion to serve our youngest children, and find ways to improve their lives.

                The idea of working with the whole family will always be my number one passion, so when listened to the podcast with Chevighy and Morgan, they discussed providing integrated packages to families in which they would receive medicine, vaccinations, advice, and an outreach to the community from the clinics and outposts to network services.  I right away went to my husband and asked when he wanted to plan our next mission trip, because I am ready to become part of this package and offer whatever services I can.  I guess you could call this my goal or mission (either way) I just know children around this world need hope and I would like to give some.


Chevighy, B. (Director), & Morgan, R. (Performer) (2010, September 12). Equity in child survival: An opportunity to do things better. UNICEF. [Audio podcast]. Retrieved from


  1. Learning about the different education needs in other countries is very interesting. We often forget that there are many children learning skills such as life skills and sanitation just as a means of survival. You are absolutely right, although we all have different needs for our children, we are all working toward the better of these children as a whole.

    I am inspired about your travel plans, and hope to hear more about them!!!

  2. You are so right about children having to learn different things in different countries. Just because one concept is important to us, does not mean that it is top priority in another country. You have made me look at education in a whole new way!

  3. Addressing the different educational needs around the world is a great approach. It is sad that not one country seems to have the model system for early childhood education and how to make childrens lives just a little bit better.
    Thank you so much for all your post and sharing with us during this term.
