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Granddaughters Gracie and Lillie at Christmas

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Expanding Resources

 I started to look at who I would like to contact internationally I immediately thought  Central America. I have been there on two mission trips, one to Costa Rica and the other to Honduras.  During my trip to Honduras I went to a school where children from Preschool to high school where being taught.  The Pre-k – elementary grade children went during the morning until midday and the older children went midday to evening.  The opportunity to make a connection with another professional from Central America to gain new insight, and learn about their struggles and accomplishments will benefit me during my future visits.  Unfortunately, the email for the Honduran Global Alliance did not work.  I was able to send an email to the president of OMEP. I am waiting to hear back if she can connect me with anyone or if she would be willing to share with me her work. Through Global Alliance I was able to send an email to  the OMEP leader in Costa Rica, and am waiting a response.  So if anyone reading this blog has another avenue I can take, please share.               

As I was working through the Global Alliance website, I found myself at the home Website of OMEP- USA.  This site is one of more than sixty national committees /chapters that are working toward a better life for children.  The pictures on the home page caught my eye and drew me in to see what they support and work toward.  They have a newsletter but I haven’t found where to sign up for one, there is one for September of 2011.   
If you would like to visit there website it is:


  1. I imagine going on a mission trip and being able to visit a school in another country was amazing, and eye-opening. What is the strategy behind sending the students to school at different times? Or is this due to cost or space?

    I used Facebook as a venue to contact with other early childhood professionals. Fortunately I was able to get in contact with two educators who are willing to help me out!

  2. Chris, I like how you can connect your experiences on your mission trip to the class assignment!
    I hope that we both end up getting responses soon from the professionals we emailed. Keeping my fingers crossed! :)
    Also, the website you chose looks very interesting. Can't wait to read about the experiences you have throughout this course.

  3. I am really excited about hearing more about your missions trips to Central America and the impact of the work that is being done in education there. I am interested in following your journey and reading about the personal experience you have had in your work there.
