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Granddaughters Gracie and Lillie at Christmas

Friday, June 8, 2012

Adjourning -  Coming to an end of a process and saying good- bye. 

In the past two years I have been working very closely with a co-worker, we are both teacher mentors and have been assigned to provide trainings in and around our area.  The last day in May was the end to our teaming.  She is going back to a classroom as a lead teacher and I have stayed in the main office in a coordinators position.  Saying good - bye to her and our hard efforts was a sad day for me.  We have had struggles agreeing on some issues, and excepting that ours ideas or plans were not the best  then  learning tocompromise, yet always keeping the focus on the goal and the vision to provide a quality training that was tailored to the group. I have been professionally stretched, and taught the importance of letting things go that would not compromise the integrety of the plan.  I will truely miss our commaradory and bouncing ideas off each other.  I know I will be in contact with her even if it is for lunch.  So for now I bid her good luck, and wish her well, for child and family that get her for a teacher will be thrilled beyond expectation.

 I realized for whatever reason when I printed out this assignment the last two questions where not there. To add to this I think adjourning is just as important as the beginning, we need to close the process out even if it has not been positive, we need to evaluate what we have learned and move forward using that information to make our next experience better. To adjourn from Waldens will be the same I imagine, to say thank you to all the colleagues who have responded on the discussion boards and helped me see issues and topics in a new light. I would wish everyone a farewell and best wishes on their future endeavors.


  1. Wow! Sounds like a great partnership! I have had to AMAZING partner teachers over the years. It was an awful day when I found out they were moving on to new things, and even harder returning to a school year without them. It is so true that we may not always agree with our co-workers, but we need to keep the focus on the goal and vision. Well said! Great post!

    1. Sounds like through many obstacles, it was still a pleasant experience working with her. That is great that you had the opportunity, the experience and the bond within your partnership with her. Do you work within the same building? Or somehow see her on a regular basis? Well regardless, it is a good feeling to have a strong and positive working experience. Thanks for sharing.

    2. I agree with you Chris, adjourning is as important as the forming stage. The well being of members is equally important at the adjourning stage and as such recognition and sensitivity to the needs of individual persons in the group is important.

  2. Chris, I have to agree with you about the adjournign stage being just as important as the beginning. By closing our that chapter, you are reflecting on the good and the bad and improving on what you have learned. Saying goodbye can be hard especially when you have worked with someone for so long, but remembering what we have learned from them can last a life time. Thank you for sharing your experience!
