my granddaughters

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Granddaughters Gracie and Lillie at Christmas

Saturday, January 21, 2012

As I watched this video I was inspired by the information it gave me about the importence of everyone connected with a child and how experiences can impact a child's life. It also touches on how policymakes can hep make informed decisions on policis.  My first thought about this video was "Wouldn't it be great to watch at a staff training, parenting class, and offer to the community child care programs."  It is informative and eye catching.  This video is a collaboration between Interactive Media Division of the School of Cinematic Arts at the University of Southern California and the Center on the Developing Child. The Center at Harvard has many great videos that discuss the architecture of the brain and how toxic stress play a role in gene development.  VERY facinating.  The impact of this research has affected how we as educators can help children and families. 


  1. What a GREAT video Chris! I am going to put that on my Facebook page. Amazingly well done, brief, and to the point. Quite effective as well.

    I ended up talking to lots of people this week to rustle up a personal story about the impact of research. Just like this video, I came to the conclusion that relationships are at the root of it all and research is a big part of what helps in our life and relationships. Thanks so much for that link!


  2. Chris,
    Great video!
    Brain research is so important! Learning about how the develops provides so much information that affects early childhood programming. I think it's amazing that so much happens to the brain in such a short amount of time!!
