my granddaughters

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Granddaughters Gracie and Lillie at Christmas

Thursday, August 4, 2011

"My Supports"

In my daily life I am supported emotionally, practically and physically. Below are a list of my supports and how they benefit me, the impact they have on my life, and what would happen if they did not exist. 

My emotional support is found primarily with my husband, he is my strongest support. My family and friends are also a support to me, during good times and bad we help each other, they are vital to my existence, without them my mental health would not be so healthy. My co- workers and colleagues are a support to me in my work, as a team we work toward the same goals of creating healthy learning environments for children. If I had to exist without them, it would be a struggle and stressful, and less work would get accomplished, however, from a work standpoint I could exist without them (not happily).    Additional supports that come in and out of my life are people within the community that provide different services. For instance, my health practitioner, and support groups such as Weight Watchers all support me in my emotional well – being, once again they are definitely beneficial, but not necessary for my existence, at least for now, if I get a serious illness my existence would definitely rely on my practitioner.

My practical / physical support is found in all the little things we need throughout the day.  For instance I need my car to get me to where I need to be, without it I would not be able to work, therefore I would lose monetarily and it would affect everything I have and need.  One such need is food and water to nourish my body and provide energy, without it I would become ill.  My bed and house they provide a safe and warm place, this is one support I cherish, because it is where I can relax and replenish my spirit.  Not having a home would be a huge impact; it would cause physical and emotional stress. This computer is supporting me through work and school, without it this course or any other would not be possible along with all the other provisions it provides, however, it is not vital to my survival I could eventually live without it!

Loss of hearing is the challenge I chose to imagine for myself. I immediately realized I would need support from the medical field, specifically an audiologist to help determine what I would need to do next.  A possible support would be a hearing device.  I made the assumption a hearing device would not provide adequate hearing for me, so I pursued other potential supports I would need.  My next thought was learning American Sign Language; I would need to find a tutor, support group or class to teach me sign language, along with an interpreter when I need to communicate with others. Another option is oralism, which is a great option since I already know how to speak. I would need to work with a speech therapist to help me learn the vibrations in my throat. There is computer software available to help with articulation.  All these supports would benefit me in my endeavor to adjust to my new challenge along with all the supports previously stated.  Without these supports I would not have opportunities to advance my skills to become an active participant within society. It would affect me socially, emotionally and physically.  My world would become a very lonely place, because I would feel isolated within myself, unable to communicate and/or understand those around me.


  1. Chris,
    There are times also that I think about what will happen to me as I grow older, will I be able to handle and accept that one day, I might not be able to walk or hear or see? What if I loss my memory and could no longer do the things I wanted to do or can no longer drive?
    When we think about these challenges that will come our way in the future and look at the supports around us, I forget my worries because I know that they will always be there to help us through our journey.
    I agree with you, my "world will become a lonely place" without them.

  2. Chris,

    While I don't worry so much about my hearing, I do hope I never lose my eyesight. I cannot imagine what it would be like to have to rely on others to provide transportation or help me complete tasks that are routine to me today. I would never want to lose the ability to see my children or husband, flowers or trees, or beautiful buildings or the ocean. Like all things, I'm sure I would adjust and be able to do many things for myself again but what a huge job it would be to learn how to do all those things differently!


  3. Chris,

    I, too, imagined that I were deaf or hard of hearing and imagined all of the support I would need. I thought about how much during the day I rely on my hearing. Being able to drive and hear horns honking or sirens coming is one thing I take advantage of. Also, being able to hear music and conversations around me would be non-existent. I would rely on technology I'm sure to help me, as well as my family, friends, colleagues, and students.

